Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tag Resilience Building

The Power of Positive Thinking in Reducing Stress

Positive thinking

Having a positive mindset can really help with stress and make you feel better overall. Studies show that thinking positively can lower stress and anxiety. It also helps your heart, immune system, and can even make you live longer1. Being…

Healing Trauma Through Mindfulness and Meditation

Healing trauma

Trauma is a deeply personal experience. What one person finds traumatic might not be the same for another. The American Psychological Association says trauma is an emotional response to a profoundly terrible or impactful event1. It’s not just about big…

Embracing Change with an Open Mind: A Mindfulness Approach

Embracing change

Learning to accept change takes practice. It’s one thing to think about being open to change, but it’s another to actually experience it1. Mindfulness helps us deal with uncertainty. It teaches us to accept the present moment. Starting with a…

Cultivating Joy and Mindfulness During Difficult Times

Emotional healing

Life’s challenges make it crucial to focus on emotional healing and inner peace. Mindfulness is a key approach, with attitudes like joy and compassion at its core. Joy is about feeling glad, soft, and tender, helping us appreciate and be…